South Carolina Upstate Diocese

469 Landfill Road
Orangeburg, SC 29118
Tel: 803-920-7526
Cash app is available to make donations to all auxiliaries and the Diocese itself. $UPSTATESC2020.
​Please continue to pray for those that have been impacted by the hurricane.
Brotherhood Rally Day
December 7th @11 am
United Refuge Orangeburg SC
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Greetings from the Website Committee
Welcome to the SC Upstate Diocese - COOLJC! The South Carolina Upstate Diocese consists of over 26 local churches, spread out across 5 Districts. The pastors of our churches, along with their ministry teams focus on bringing the gospel to all people. You can find a list of all of our churches with their contact information and come visit us. Our great leader, Bishop David A. Smith would love to hear from you so feel free to give him a call or send him an email.
We hold quarterly state conventions and participate in several international convocations.
Greetings from our Diocesan
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
It is with great joy that I greet you and welcome you to the SC Upstate Diocese COOLJC website. I hope that your visit will be both enjoyable and informative.
The website director District Elder Charles I. Pollock and his staff have placed at your disposal; Diocese dates,events and information as well as local church affairs and addresses. There will be relative updates
What A Fellowship!
The South Carolina Upstate delegates enjoy fellowshipping. Our photographer, Elder Melvin Bailey wants you to enjoy these photos. As we change the pictures periodically, look for yourself and friends to show up!

Please peruse the website and I am sure that you will find it interesting and very informative. Always know that both First Lady, Mother Betty J. Smith and I welcome you and look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events.
Yours In HIS Service,
Bishop D. Alfred Smith